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Public transport in Amsterdam

Everybody knows Amsterdam for its elaborate and safe network of cycle-path and lanes, but sometimes it can be easier to use public transports due to the weather conditions or because of the long distance between two destinations.

Amsterdam, as the main capital cities, has a good network of public transport and it offers different GVB tickets options for visitors or residents depending on how often you are going to use it and how far away you have to go.

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Single journey and unlimited GVB tickets

The single journey ticket is valid for 1-hour travel on GVB public transport. If you need to travel for a long distance or you just need once in a couple of weeks, it’s a good option. The cost is €2,90 and it can be purchased on board of tram and bus or in the GVB tickets machine. You can also use this ticket for the metro and you have to purchased it in the ticket machine before the barrier to enter into the platforms.

Remember that the ticket has to be validated every time you enter or leave a public transport (buses and trams included). Cards readers are located inside the buses and trams next to each door.

Single journey and unlimited GVB

You can also purchase a single journey for the night bus at the cost of €4,50. The ticket is valid for 90 minutes and includes transfers for other GVB night busses.


If you are planning to use the public transports all day, we suggest you to buy a daily ticket. It can be purchased at the central train station or on board of trams and buses. Be aware that you can buy on board just the 24-hours and 48-hours ticket.

The unlimited daily tickets are also valid in the night bus, metro and tram.

The prices are:

24 hours: €7,50

48 hours: € 12,50

72 hours: € 17

There is also the possibility to buy tickets for your children of age 4-11 at the price of €2,50. Children between 0-3 travel for free.

For more information you can visit the official website here.

OV- Chipkaart

The OV-Chipkaart works in the same way as the Oyster card in London - if you are familiar with that one. There are two different types of card based on if you are a resident or a visitor and how often you will use it.

  • The anonymous card costs €7,50 and it is valid 4-5 years. You can buy this card in the GVB office* (there is one in front of Amsterdam central station) but also in the GVB and NS ticket machines. If these places are not really convenient for you, you can also buy the card in newsagents, supermarkets and tobacconists.

For more information about the card, you can always check this link.

  • Personal OV-chip cards last for 5 years and are made for permanent residents. For this card you need to apply. You can apply online and check the status of your cards in this link.

OV- Chipkaart

Once you get your card, you need to top it up with some cash to start using it immediately. A minimum amount of money is required depending if you travel by train or with tram and busses.

For example, for both cards, you need to have a minimum of €4 to travel by bus, metro and tram and a minimum of €20 to travel by train. If you want to use your anonymous card to go to Schiphol Airport, you need to validate it. Read more about how to validate you card here.


If you already know where you are going you can easily plan your trip and check how much it will cost, how long it will take and which public transport is the best option for you. We recommend to download the app of 9292 for this.

For the OV-Chipkaart the fares are calculated based on distance travelled. For 2016 the fixed boarding fee is €0,89. If you make a transfer within 35 minutes, you don’t need to pay the fee again. 


* The GVB office are in different locations around Amsterdam. Please see the list below:

-Stationsplein, opposite Central Station

-Metro station, Central Station

-Bijlmer NS Station

-Lelylaan NS station

-Amsterdam Zuid/WTC

Amsterdam travel ticket all in one

Amsterdam travel ticket all in one

All-in-one ticket. You can purchase the 1,2 and 3 day card and it includes the GVB unlimited travel card and travel by train and bus (number 197 Amsterdam Airport Express) to Schiphol airport.

You can indeed use the ticket to go by NS train in 2nd class between Schiphol Airport and one of the following stations in Amsterdam: Central, Amstel, Bijlmer-Arena, Duivendrecht, Holendrecht, Lelylaan, Muiderpoort, RAI, Sciencepark, Sloterdijk and Zuid.

This kind of ticket is valid till 4am on the day after, in case you buy a 1 day ticket.

The costs of the tickets are €15, €20 and €25 for 1,2 and 3 days and you can buy them at Schiphol airport in the NS tickets & service machine, Holland Tourist Info (Schiphol Plaza Arrivals 2), AKO newsagents, Amsterdam Airport Express tickets and Info.


For more information you can visit this page and for reading more about how to get to Schiphol airport visit this link.

I Amsterdam city card

I Amsterdam city card

Another convenient option is the I Amsterdam city card. It can be ordered online and they post it worldwide in about 6 days. You will receive also a map and a free magazine included in you order. You can also order it online and collect in the Central Station or in another place. You can check here to have more information.

The cost of the card for 24 hours are €55 and you have the unlimited use of GVB public transports, free entrance to the most important museums, free canal cruises and other discount.

Waterland Bus ticket

Waterland Bus ticket

If you are planning to stay more than just a weekend we suggest you to go and visit some typical Dutch fishing villages. You can buy a bus ticket for €10 for adults and €3 for kids which is valid on all the EBS busses. The tickets can be bought directly inside the bus or in the VVV tourist office. You will find the bus station when you leave Amsterdam central station in the direction of IJ-zijde.


Be aware that the GVB tickets are not valid for this type of busses.

For more information about which village is worth to visit, you can click here.

Travelling to Amsterdam North by ferry

Travelling to Amsterdam North by ferry

The ferry to Amsterdam North depart from behind Amsterdam Central Station. You can go on the ferry with your bike, with the scooter or simply by foot and you don’t need to pay any tickets because they are free of charge, except from the North Sea Canal ferry.

Taking the ferry is really easy and quick, you can see on the digital countdown board when the next on leaves and you generally have to wait less than 5 minutes between one and the other.

In the other side of the water there are a few attractions like the EYE film-museum and the new, more alternative, NDSM area.

Travelling with the public transports

Now that you have your daily ticket or your OV chip-card, you can start exploring the city with the public transports. They usually run from 6 in the morning to 12.30 in the night.


Travelling by bus


Amsterdam’s bus network is extensive and you can travel by bus outside the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. You can, for example, go to the beach at Zandvoort and Bloemendal.

You can travel by bus with the tickets mentioned before, just remember you need to check-in and check-out every time.

You can find the bus map in detail at the Info point or in the entrance of the metro.


Travelling by tram


Travelling by tram is easy and you can move around Amsterdam quickly. Also here, you need to check in and check out every time. If you haven’t bought the ticket, it can be also purchased on board.

Travelling by metro


Travelling by metro is convenient if you need to travel around the edges of the city otherwise is easier to use the busses and tram.

You can see below the map of the metro network in Amsterdam.

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